The ratio for lower row elements is more even so the extra positive charges in the nucleus the extra protons in the nucleus means that were able to stabilize a negative charge more readily. Hydrogens directly attached to very electronegative atoms such as oxygen sulphur and the halogens carry a. Solved Identify The Most Acidic Proton In This Molecule Chegg Com The most acidic proton is the one that when removed forms the most stable conjugate base and that typically means where the negative charge can be delocalised. . Identifying Acidic Protons 1. Therefore the first step is to look for all OH and NH bonds. The conjugate acid of a is a positively charged oxygen which as an approximate pKa -2. When you have pi electrons delocalized around a single ring there is the 4n2 rule where the most stable configuration of pi electrons in a ring has 4n2 delocalized electrons. Y is an alkyl proton para to a carbonyl. The most acidic f...